Welcome to the Arlington Community Federal Credit Union family!

For New Members

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When you chose to bank with Arlington Community Federal Credit Union, you didn’t just choose a financial institution, you joined a community. Whether you’re managing your personal or business finances (or both!), we’re here to make it as easy as possible. 这就是十大棋牌赌钱软件我们创建了这个资源来回答你可能有的任何问题, from how to sign up for online banking to how to earn Free Rewards Checking rewards.

Let’s get started. Go to Manage My Personal Account or Manage My Business Account to find the information you need. Just remember, if you have any questions or need help, we’re just a call, email, or branch visit away!

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Manage My Personal Account

  • Enroll in Mobile and Online Banking


    1. You’ll need:

    • Your ACFCU member number
    • Your social security number
    • At least Two of the following:
      – Date of birth
      – Email address on file with ACFCU
      – Zip code

    2. Click the Login box on the top menu of the ACFCU website

    3. Select Register, then select Individual

    4. Read carefully and check the I Agree box

    5. Enter requested information carefully

    6. Follow the rest of the prompts to complete the process

  • Setting Up Notifications

    您可以使用手机应用程序或网上银行设置安全等信息的警报, account updates, transfer information, and budget and savings goals.

    Online Banking

    • 在左侧导航栏点击“更多…”,选择“Widget选项”
    • Direct to the “Notifications” tab and browse the alert options. Select the options that you would like to enable
    • Click the settings icon 打开或关闭警报,并选择接收警报的方式
    • If text messages are not included as an option, 你需要进入页面顶部的“联系人”选项卡,然后点击钢笔图标 to the right of your mobile number. 勾选“我想接收此号码的短信”,并完成验证您手机的步骤.

    Mobile Banking

    • iPhone:在导航菜单中选择“更多”,然后打开下拉选项“其他”.” Under “Others” select “Settings” 
    • For Android: In the navigation menu, select “Settings”
    • Select “Notifications” to browse the alert options. Select the options that you would like to enable
    • If text messages are not included as an option, you’ll need to go back to “Settings” and select the “Contact” option. 点击您的“手机”号码选项并选择“启用短信”.” 

    Card Management


    • Block and unblock cards when needed
    • 根据金额、商家类型和交易类型设置文本或电子邮件提醒1
    • Block international transactions
    • Block transactions by type or merchant and transaction type
    • Set dollar amount limits on signature, PIN, and ATM transactions
    • For debit cards, report a card lost, stolen, or damaged

    注意:您将收到帐户通知后,交易已张贴到您的帐户. Transactions that are pending will not trigger a notification.

  • Enroll in e-Statements

    随时准备减少您的碳足迹,并有权随时访问您当前或以前的报表, and wherever you want? We make it simple:

    1. Log in to your online banking account from your computer and go to the eDocs widget

    2. Click on Overview

    3. Click on the gear wheel

    4. Select subscribe

    For step-by-step visual instructions, click here.

  • Transfer Money

    Transfer money between ACFCU accounts

    1. Log in to your ACFCU online banking account

    2. Navigate to the Transfers widget and select the Classic Transfer tab

    3. For first-time transfers, select the Transfer to Another Arlington Community Federal Credit Union Member (desktop) or Internal Transfer (mobile)

    4. Enter the last name of the member or the business name

    5. 输入会员在ACFCU存档的账号、电话号码或电子邮件

    6. Select Share or Loan

    7. Enter the share or loan ID

    8. Name the account and save

    9. Now you’re ready to move that money


  • Transfer money from your ACFCU account(s) to an external account


    1. You’ll need:

    • The routing number of the other financial institution
    • Your account type and number
    • Access to your ACFCU online and/or mobile banking


    2. Follow the instructions on our step-by-step ACH Origination Setup guide.

    • Same-day transfers before 2 p.m. (EST)在有效工作日内显示,否则将在下一个工作日显示
    • 每笔汇入或汇出您的储蓄账户的款项都将计入每月的交易限额
    • Cancel pending transfers under the Scheduled Transfers feature
  • Sign Up for Direct Deposit

    Fun fact: Arlington County, 弗吉尼亚医院中心和阿灵顿公立十大棋牌赌钱软件的员工通过直接存款提前一天收到工资!

    1. You’ll need:

    • ACFCU’s Routing Number: 256078404
    • The 13-digit number of the account you want the money deposited in to. 对于支票账户,这个号码位于ACFCU支票的底部. 对于所有帐户,您可以在您的网上银行帐户详细信息下找到此号码.


    2. Complete the Direct Deposit form you received when you opened your membership. If you no longer have the form, simply contact us or visit your local branch for a replacement.

  • Receive Automatic Fraud Alerts

    ACFCU has an enhanced fraud prevention system for Visa® Debit and Credit Card accounts. 持卡人会自动登记,并在发生可疑交易时收到警报.

    Card Management


    • Block and unblock cards when needed
    • 根据金额、商家类型和交易类型设置文本或电子邮件提醒1
    • Block international transactions
    • Block transactions by type or merchant and transaction type
    • Set dollar amount limits on signature, PIN, and ATM transactions
    • For debit cards, report a card lost, stolen, or damaged
  • Earn Rewards with a Free Rewards Checking Account
    • Qualifying for Free Rewards Checking is easy! Simply:
      – Receive in e-Statements
      – Receive $500 in ACH deposits into your Free Rewards Checking Account
    The Fine Print
    *现金回赠是根据合资格借记卡交易的总金额计算. Account will not be dividend bearing. 1% cash back on first $1,000 in transactions. Maximum cash back is $10. For minimum requirements to be met, 行动必须执行,并且必须在资格认证期间结清/提交到账户. 从交易完成之日起,交易可能需要一个或多个银行工作日才能在您的账户上进行邮寄和结算. Swipe & 签名、密码和借记账单支付交易必须在月底之前结清账户. 标准费用将适用于不活跃超过12个月的账户. 透支金额低于30美元的借记卡交易不收取透支费. This only applies to debit card transactions. ACH transactions do not have the $30 grace before a fee is charged. Overdraft fees must be repaid within 45 days. 如果“礼貌支付”功能被禁用并且交易被拒绝,“礼貌支付”将不会被支付. In those cases, an NSF fee will be charged. Courtesy Pay covers the following types of transactions: checks, ACH and other transactions mae using a checking account, automatic bill payments, recurring transactions set up using your debit card, ATM transactions, everyday debit card transactions, and Point of Sale (POS) transactions. ATM transactions, everyday debit card transactions, and Point of Sale (POS) transactions require separate opt-in.
    1Up to $10 of ATM fees reversed if reward criteria is met.
    2This only applies to debit card transactions. ACH transactions do not have the $30 grace before a fee is charged.
    Membership required. Federally insured by NCUA.
  • Activate Your Visa® Debit Card
    • Your Visa® 借记卡应该在你的支票账户开立之日起五到七个工作日内到达.
    • Call 866-985-2273 to activate your card and set or change your PIN.
  • Set Up Apple Pay and Other Digital Wallets


    The Fine Print
    Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Data charges may apply.
  • Order Checks
    • Your first check order, orders that contain address or name changes, 商业会员的订单必须由中华总工会会员服务代表下达. Call us at 703-526-0200 x4
    • For all other check orders, call 703-526-0200 x4, visit your local branch, or place an order via online banking
    • 费用取决于你选择的支票种类和运输费用
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Manage My Business Account

  • Enroll in Mobile and Online Banking

    Streamline your business banking process and bank when, and where, you want, from the office, home, or on the go.

    1. You’ll need:

    •   Your ACFCU business member number
    •   The business’ tax identification number
    •   At least Two of the following:
      – The business’ start date
      – The email address on file with ACFCU
      – The business’ zip code

    2. Click the Login box on the top menu of the ACFCU website

    3. Select Register, then select Business

    4. Read carefully and check the I Agree box

    5. Enter requested information carefully

    6. Follow the rest of the prompts to complete the process

  • Enroll in e-Statements


    1. Log in to your online banking account from your computer

    2. Select the eDocs widget (if you don’t see eDocs, select More on the bottom of the left-hand side menu)

    3. Subscribe

    4. Read carefully, check the Agree box and enter the five-digit code located in the PDF

    5. You’re now enrolled in e-Statements!

  • Transfer Money

    Transfer money between ACFCU accounts

    1. Log in to your ACFCU online banking account

    2. Navigate to the Transfers widget and select the Classic Transfer tab

    3. For first-time transfers, select the Transfer to Another Arlington Community Federal Credit Union Member (desktop) or Internal Transfer (mobile)

    4. Enter the last name of the member or the business name

    5. 输入会员在ACFCU存档的账号、电话号码或电子邮件

    6. Select Share or Loan

    7. Enter the share or loan ID

    8. Name the account and save

    9. You’re now optimized to transfer funds

  • Transfer Money from Your ACFCU Account(s) to an External Account


    1. You’ll need:

    • The routing number of the other financial institution
    • Your account type and number
    • Access to your ACFCU online and/or mobile banking
    The Fine Print
    在有效工作日下午2点之前发起的转账将在该工作日处理. 您的储蓄账户的每笔转账都将计入您的每月交易限额。待处理的转账可以在网上银行的“计划转账”功能下取消
  • Receive Automatic Fraud Alerts

    ACFCU has an enhanced fraud prevention system for Visa® Debit and Credit Card accounts. 持卡人会自动登记,并在发生可疑交易时收到警报.

  • Earn Rewards with Your Free Business Rewards Checking Account

    Your Free Business Rewards Checking account 奖励您的日常银行1%现金返还*在第一个1000美元的交易.

    Qualifying is simple!

    • Make 25 swipe-and-sign, PIN, or debit Bill Pay transactions each month
    • Receive e-Statements
    • Receive $500 in ACH deposits into your Free Rewards Checking Account


    The Fine Print
    *现金回赠是根据合资格借记卡交易的总金额计算. Account will not be dividend bearing. 1% cash back on first $1,000 in transactions. Maximum cash back is $10. For minimum requirements to be met, 行动必须执行,并且必须在资格认证期间结清/提交到账户. 从交易完成之日起,交易可能需要一个或多个银行工作日才能在您的账户上进行邮寄和结算. Swipe & 签名、密码和借记账单支付交易必须在月底之前结清账户. 标准费用将适用于不活跃超过12个月的账户. 借记卡交易的透支金额低于30美元,不收取透支费. This only applies to debit card transactions. ACH transactions do not have the $30 grace before a fee is charged. Overdraft fees must be repaid within 45 days. 如果“礼貌支付”功能被禁用并且交易被拒绝,“礼貌支付”将不会被支付. In those cases an NSF fee will be charged. Courtesy Pay covers the following types of transactions: checks, ACH and other transactions mae using a checking account, automatic bill payments, recurring transactions set up using your debit card, ATM transactions, everyday debit card transactions, Point of Sale (POS) transactions. ATM transactions, everyday debit card transactions, and Point of Sale (POS) transactions require separate opt-in.
    1Up to $10 of ATM fees reversed if reward criteria is met.
    2Carrier rates and fees may apply.
    Membership required. Federally insured by NCUA.
  • Activate Your Visa® Business Debit Card
    • Your Visa® 借记卡应该在你的支票账户开立之日起五到七个工作日内到达.
    • Call 866-985-2273 to activate your card and set or change your PIN
  • Set Up Apple Pay and Other Digital Wallets


    The Fine Print
    Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Data charges may apply.
  • Order Checks
    • 出于安全考虑,您的第一次支票订单(以及在企业名称或地址更改后的任何后续订单)必须由ACFCU下达. Email us at business@guangdang.net.
    • To reorder checks, call 703-526-0200 x4 visit your local branch, or place the order via online banking
    • 费用取决于你选择的支票种类和运输费用

Manage your money anytime, anywhere with our mobile app.

5 star rating
5 star rating

Why Choose Arlington

As a full-service credit union, 我们是一个由像你一样的成员组成的合作社,大家聚在一起知道这一点, we can all benefit in our financial journey.

Financial Empowerment


Rewarding Experience


Utmost Integrity


The Fine Print

虽然我们确实监控欺诈或可疑活动,并可能主动就此类活动与您联系, we will never call and ask for confidential information, such as your entire account number or PIN. 如果您提供了机密信息,请致电703-526-0200与我们联系.

*Data and carrier rates may apply.